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Turbine Oils

Monitor and manage turbine lubrication throughout your equipment’s lifecycle

Shell Turbine Oils

Turbine downtime is not only hugely disruptive and expensive, but its repercussions can affect millions. Machinery and engineers need to deliver peak performance every day. With decades of experience working with rotating equipment, our experts understand the realities of maintaining reliable, efficient turbines.
Gas turbine lubricant supplier UK

Tackling varnish formation in turbomachinery - free Shell Report

Download the Shell turbomachinery report to understand how improving asset availability and reliability through low-varnish potential oils and in-service strategies can reduce total cost of ownership. 

Challenges during the life of your turbine oil – free Shell report

Download the Shell industry report to understand how to monitor and manage turbine lubrication throughout your equipment’s lifecycle, to maximise your ability to achieve continuous, trouble free operations. 

Maximing turbine power

Watch the video to discover how turbine oil can hold the key to optimising turbine performance

More on Turbines

Global energy demand is set to double by 2050. Increased outputs mean that turbine machinery is having to work harder and faster than ever before, with longer maintenance intervals. Find out how comprehensive maintenance and lubricant management processes can prolong equipment life, reduce costly downtime and support turbine operators, ensuring that the lights always remain on.

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